Session 1. Gerard V. Bradley - "Progressive" Prosecution and Punishment Session 2. Paul R. DeHart - The Social Contract in the Ruins? Natural Law and Government by Consent Session 3. Brendan Wilson - Protecting the Church: Religious Liberty and Religious Accountability Session 4. Andrea Picciotti-Bayer - Religious Freedom in America: Under Attack Session 5. Scott D. Pollock: Immigration Law vs. Religious Freedom – Backlogs and Beyond Session 6. The Most Rev. Thomas J. Paprocki - The King’s Good Servant, but God’s First: Responses in Canon and Civil Law to Governmental Threats to the Church’s Freedom to Carry Out Her Mission Session 7. Legislative Updates
Session 8. Nina Hope Shea - How and Why U.S. Foreign Policy Should Promote Religious Freedom Session 9. Patrick Jenevein - Stalking the Dragon: Pre, Para, Post-Bellum - Lawsuits Aren't Pink Teas |
Conference Materials - Coming soon!