A key component of the Catholic Bar Association is to encourage and support the formation, growth, and influence of local associations of catholic attorneys. It seeks to have at least one local affiliate formed in every diocese in the United States, with a long term vision of similar affiliates throughout the world. To do so, the CBA is building on the pre-existing, well established guilds of Catholic lawyers throughout the United States. Indeed, it is these guilds that see the need for a national Catholic association and have come together to bring it about. Accordingly, CBA was structured so that it is the local affiliates themselves who will control the national organization, through the guidance of its advisors. This is done by entrusting to the Local Affiliates the power to elect the CBA's board of directors and exercise control over CBA's fundamental mission and direction. For every 25 individual CBA members affiliated with a Local Affiliate, the Local Affiliate has one vote at the annual General Assembly wherein the key business of CBA is conducted.
In short, CBA exists to serve you, the Local Affiliate!