Catholic Bar Association
Audiovisual Media Policy
As an integral part of its mission, the Catholic Bar Association (CBA) may take or acquire photographs, videos, voice recordings, digital papers and presentation slides (“Audiovisual Media”) that communicate news about the Association’s mission. This Audiovisual Media may be routinely published in printed and digital publications, and/or on its website or other social media platforms. Furthermore, as part of its educational mission, CBA sponsors educational conferences and routinely livestreams those presentations and records them for future viewing by CBA members and the members of its Local Affiliates.
CBA is committed to the responsible use of Audiovisual Media. Under no circumstances will it knowingly publish Audiovisual Media that could be an embarrassment, cause scandal, or bring discredit to CBA or any individual. Full names of any individual appearing in Audiovisual Media will not be published without the individual’s prior written consent. No Audiovisual Media of an individual will be used in any fundraising appeal without that individual’s prior written consent. At our educational conferences, the Audiovisual Media of our conference presenters may be livestreamed, but will not be recorded without the presenter’s prior written consent. Attribution credit will be given when required by applicable copyright laws. As a courtesy, and to the extent possible, CBA will decline to use Audiovisual Media or will promptly cease using Audiovisual Media, upon request. In some circumstances, however, it may be impossible to accommodate such a request, as for example when Audiovisual Media covers a large group at a public event.
Effective October 20, 2021.