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Do you know what Vatican II wanted? Vatican II wanted great Catholic lawyers, great Catholic politicians, great Catholic writers, great Catholic journalists, great Catholic parents, great Catholic Educators going out into the world. Vatican II said the seculum -- the secular order -- that's your space. Move into it with panache and energy and intelligence and enthusiasm. Become body-given, blood-poured-out. We'd set the country on fire!

Bishop Robert Barron

10th National Eucharistic Congress

Welcome to the

Catholic Bar Association

Teresa Collett comments 

on the U.S. Supreme Court Opinion in

FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine

     On June 13, 2024 the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, rejecting prolife doctors and medical organizations’ challenge to the FDA’s repeated narrowing of restrictions on the use and distribution of mifepristone (marketed under the brand name of Mifeprex), a drug used in medication abortions. The first page of the court’s opinion provides a brief history of the ever-shrinking regulation of the drug.

Read the comment here.


The CBA has issued its inaugural  newsletter.

Check it out now!

Eighth Annual

Catholic Bar Association

Conference and General Assembly

The Eighth Annual Conference and General Assembly of the Catholic Bar Association was held Oct. 27-28 at George Mason University Arlington Campus in Arlington, Virginia.  Attendees enjoyed fascinating presentations by Judge William H. Pryor, Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, who gave the annual St. Thomas More Lecture at our Red Mass banquet, Professor Helen M. Alvaré who was our Charles E. Rice Memorial Lecturer, and The Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington who was the principal celebrant and homilist at our Red Mass.  Other presenters included Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President Emeritus and co-founder of the Acton Institute, federal Judges Justin R. Walker and Robert J. Conrad, Jr., and other law professors and legal practitioners, all discussing the application and effect of Catholic moral and legal principles in the practice of law.  We also enjoyed an excellent roundtable discussion entitled The Tale that Won’t Stop Wagging: The Attacks on Pius XII and What They Tell UsRead more here.

Recordings of some speakers are available on our Member website.

Why do Catholic legal professionals object to the use of preferred gender pronouns?

The Catholic Lawyers Society for Metropolitan Detroit wrote a dissent to a proposed rule change in Michigan that would require courts to ask litigants and others what their preferred pronouns may be, and then require judges and others to use those pronouns. With the permission of the CLS for Metropolitan Detroit, the CBA republishes their statement to assist anyone wanting to understand the issue and its impact on Catholic legal professionals.

As they set forth at the beginning of the statement:

In this statement, we summarize relevant Catholic beliefs, with citations for further study, to explain why the proposed amendment is highly objectionable to Catholic lawyers and judges. We also refute the uncharitable accusations of bigotry leveled by some who have submitted comments in support of the proposed amendment—unironically insulting men and women of deep faith while purporting to invoke decency, civility, and respect for others as justification for the rule. Finally, we respond to substantive legal positions advanced by those who have filed statements supporting the proposed amendment.

Read the complete statement here or on the Michigan Courts website.

More attention to CLE

Attorneys are busy and most need Continuing Legal Education. We are pleased to report that, for the 2023 CBA Conference, at least 9.0 CLE credit hours were pre-approved in 17 states and could be self-reported in 7 other states:

Arizona, California, Connecticut, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin

Plan to attend CBA 2024 and let your state be the next to be included for CLE!

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Law Student

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Christ Centered Evangelization

Our History, Vision and Purpose

The Catholic Bar Association (CBA) is a lay movement within the Church to build community, nationally and internationally, among Catholic members of the legal profession.  The underlying vision for this organization was an inspiration felt by many of the founding members.  Led by the Holy Spirit, members of different Catholic lawyers’ organizations, universities and dioceses from across the United States have formed the CBA.

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