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Support the CBA

Help the Catholic Bar Association (CBA) share its vision of bringing the message of Christ to the legal community and beyond.  With your financial support, the CBA will be a more effective resource to support legal professionals desiring to live their faith within their profession as attorneys, judges, professors, diplomats and politicians.

Make a Donation

The Catholic Bar Association has established a relationship with the Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund to manage our charitable donations because of its significant investment and money management expertise. By clicking below to donate to the CBA, you will be re-directed to the Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund website, and your donations will be restricted for use solely by the Catholic Bar Association in pursuit of its charitable purposes.

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Mail us a check

Donate online via the Knights of Columbus

Donate via the Knights of Columbus with a mail-in form

For other matters, contact us at +1 (214) 449-1535.

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